After listening to a recent episode of the Indpendent Characters, I downloaded a copy of the Forgeworld PDF rules. I was intrigued by them and fancied playing some games at my local gaming club. Unfortunately as I'm not lucky enough to be able to splash out on the lovely Forgeworld ZM tiles I went hunting for a suitable alternative and I found Battle Systems.
Battlesystems are a small company that specialises in producing printable PDF files that can be built with 'some' modelling experience on paper and mount board to produce good looking tabletop terrain. At a fraction of the cost of the ZM tiles, being modular and having the ability to reprint more sections if you need them I decided to invest in their Bumper Value Pack and Bunker wall set.
This should, in theory provide me with enough terrain for a 3x2 board with some interior details to use for ZM and possibly Space Hulk. Battle Systems are also currently developing more features for this system to make it larger and more detailed and seeing on how these kits go together, I will be investing further...
I'm off to get some mount board and glue - look out for updates soon!
Thursday, 22 August 2013
Celebrating Our Club's Birthday
It recently occurred to me that although I have been in the hobby just under two years, a far more important milestone is that my friendly local gaming group has just quietly celebrated its 1st Birthday!
Known as "Guildhammer" (due to our venue being the Gamers Guild in Redhill), our group has been through a first year of ups and downs like most clubs, but has resolved into a core group that has made it a success.
This year has seen lots of people come in to see what's going on, some to take part in small introductory games, some who tested tournament lists and others who just want to throw some dice and chat over a 'friendly' game.
We've organised a Facebook group to keep that hobbling spirit going (although it's secret to hide our shame!)
Reflecting on our first year I decided on some areas that going forward I think we could improve on and drive it forward:
1) ADVERTISE! Drive word on the street up through advertising in our store and through other methods!
2) ORGANISE! Plan events to keep everyone (mainly those fair weather gamers) interested in playing regularly. We've got a few in the pipeline but creativity is key here!
3) THINK BIG! The sky is the limit and what's most important is that we utilise all the members creativity and encourage everyone to have a go at doing things they want like organising games or running campaigns!
So here's to getting the first year done and looking ahead to the difficult second album!
Wednesday, 21 August 2013
Things to Do - My Kanban Flow Board
After hearing from both the Independent Characters and Deep Strike Radio about the benefits of using Kanban Flow to organise your hobbying, I thought I would give it a try. As my main problem is my constant painting ADD where I can't finish one project without getting bored and starting something else (check this earlier post to see the problem!) so this might help to keep me focussed and actually I'm quite proud of how much is done!
As you can see there is a definite issue with one column so this will be the focus for the next few months around work/life etc. If by Christmas there is a slightly more even spread to the columns than that will be huge progress.
As you can see there is a definite issue with one column so this will be the focus for the next few months around work/life etc. If by Christmas there is a slightly more even spread to the columns than that will be huge progress.
Any advice below on how to stay motivated or tackle these problems would be amazing!
Cleansing Gaaron Prime - The Mission and Army List
I think that this gave me the best mix of hard hitting armour and mobility so I could cross the board and try and get at least one combat squad into the bastion while holding onto my Comms Relay. We'll see how it goes!
Monday, 19 August 2013
Cleansing Gaaron Prime - The Background
The whole thing
As a good place to start I thought if share my whole Salamanders force as it currently stands now. As you can see it clearly needs lots of work doing but as a collection it is pretty much there although I still have a few bits to pick up to finish it off, not counting the new releases in the next few weeks!
Currently my company consists of:
Ill go through each unit and my plans for trying to get them all finished and into a complete army over the next few months.
- Vulkan He'Stan
- Captain Lysander (converted to also be a Chapter Master)
- Captain Mir'san (converted Forgeworld Badab War Character)
- Command Squad with Razorback (will eventually become a Damocles Rhino too)
- Librarian in Power Armour
- Librarian in Terminator Armour
- Chaplain in Power Armour
- Chaplain in Terminator Armour
- Master of the Forge (with 4 Servitors)
- 11 Terminators with Assault Cannon, Heavy Flamer and Cyclone Missile Launcher and 2 Chainfists
- 10 Assault Terminators, 2 Lightning Claws and 8 Thunder Hammer/Storm Shields
- Dreadnought
- Ironclad Dreadnought
- 6 Tactical Squads with a selection of Flamers, Meltaguns, Missile Launchers, Heavy Bolters and Multi-Meltas. All have a Rhino/ Razorback with TL Heavy Bolter, TL Lascannon, Multi-Melta or TL Heavy Flamer
- 10 Scouts with 9 Sniper rifles and Missile Launcher
- 10 Scouts with 9 Bolters and Heavy Bolter
- 2 Devestator Squads, 10 men each with a mix of Lascannons, Missile Launchers and Heavy Bolters
- Predator Destructor with Autocannon and Heavy Bolter Sponsons
- Predator Annihilator with TL Lascannons and Lascannon Sponsons
- 2 Whirlwinds, 1 Forgeworld Helios variant
- Stormraven Gunship
Redhill Redhill
Sunday, 18 August 2013
In the beginning...
Or rather, a bit later than the beginning of my hobbying, I decided to finally start writing a blog and tracking the ongoing adventures and progress of my Salamanders army. Before I get down to the details, I think it's best to give you a full view of my hobbying and my intentions.
I first played 3rd ed 40k while I was still at secondary school and had a close group of friends who I played regularly with, we played Ultramarines, Space Wolves, Orks and I played Guard. As tends to be the case, other things (college, girls, alcohol etc) got in the way.
Jump forward a few years and November 2011 brought me back to GW when my younger brother in law bought an army of Tyranids and challenged me to a game. I bought myself the Black Reach starter and jumped in with both feet. After reading the codex and having a look online, I settled on the Salamanders as being my chapter. They're a smaller chapter (in representation) and gave some cool fluff (more on that later).
After losing my first few months of games and slowly growing my collection I've now got nearly all of the 3rd company of the Salamanders chapter (eBay has a lot to answer for), a regular gaming group and a marginally better win/loss record.
Most of all I have met some awesome people, and through podcasts and Facebook groups I have been able to indulge my geek and progress my hobbying further.
I hope to use this blog to discuss my thoughts and feelings on certain topics, having played long enough now to feel I have found my voice and to hopefully chronical my progress further though modelling, painting, player and running games.
I hope you enjoy reading as and when I post and love to hear any feedback you have!
Redhill Redhill
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